This was about four years ago. I had talked to several people in my congregation at different times and mentioned various things like the Pyramid of Giza, Russell's pyramid monument, 1925, Beth Sarim, 1975, etc. However, I STILL believed it was the truth at the time and so after talking about it I tried to down play these things and make various lame excuses. Anyway, it wasn't long before the Elders called me to a meeting, and didn't tell me what it was about. The very first things they asked me were all about my loyalty to the organization, and of course since I still believed I answered affirmatively. Then they got into counciling me, saying that loyalty is important and that since we don't air our family's "dirty laundry" it also isn't right to air the organization's "dirty laundry". They told me it would be best not to mention such things again, and being obedient to "Theocratic Order" as I was, I complied. I lost no privileges. Funny thing is I just realized I had a full beard at the time. (I had an excuse as I had been away for a few weeks and no assignments that day.) I didn't realize what a fine line I was walking. π Anyways, it would be another couple years til I fully woke up, and if that scenario happened now I honestly don't know how it would end. I think outing myself through my own words is a very real possibility hanging over my head, could be today, could be years from now, could be never. Since then I have continued to push the envelope with regard to thought-inducing content I insert into comments, talks and conversation. Haven't been counciled yet, but we'll see.